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2019/2020 School Year
18th May 2020
TPS Task 29
Today’s task is one for then remainder of Lockdown and one...
17th May 2020
Hi everyone, thank you to everyone who has completed the Parent Questionnaire over...
15th May 2020
Dear parent/guardian
We have been running our Facebook page now for over 8 weeks...
15th May 2020
Year 7 and parents, we would like to try and place an order for Year 7 'Leavers'...
15th May 2020
Please see the attached document to receive information and access about the Department...
15th May 2020
TPS Task 29
Today’s task is something different and you may not all like...
14th May 2020
Tobermore Primary School’s PTA have kindly made a donation of face masks,...
14th May 2020
TPS Task 28
Today's task is to complete an original cover for your favourite book...
13th May 2020
New challenge from Ronan our Sustrans Officer this week 'Design Your School Cycling...
13th May 2020
TPS Task 27
For today’s challenge, we would like you to have a little fun...
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- Pupil Council
- Shared Education P1/2
- Shared Education P3/4
- Shared Education P5/6/7
- Wishing Well Breakfast Club
- Active Travel
- Calendar
- Health and Wellbeing/Pastoral Care
- Literacy
- Miss Mitchell/Mrs Smyth
- Mrs Hawthorne
- Mrs Henderson
- Mrs Speers/Miss O'Neill
- Numeracy
- Policy Review
- Rights Respecting School Award
- SET Project with Glen - Year 1/2
- SET Project with Glen - Year 3/4
- SET Project with Glen - Year 5/6/7
- Wellbeing
- World Around Us
Tobermore Primary School, 6 Maghera Road, Tobermore, Magherafelt BT45 5QB | 028 7964 2254