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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu
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Back To School Adventures

21st Sep 2020

As part of our links with Sustrans, we have to decided to launch our 'Back to School Adventure.' The idea is that from 28th September to Thursday 22n October, the children must walk, scoot or cycle to school.

The children must complete 15 journeys, get a stamp from their teacher in order to gain a certificate and possibly win a prize. 

We would love to see as many of our children take part in this as possible.

**Please ensure that all walkers adhere to social distancing**

Many thanks

Mrs Hawthorne.

Back To School Adventures (21st Sep 2020) View download document