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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu
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Class of 2020

27th Aug 2020

We had a lovely afternoon welcoming back our Primary 7 class of 2020 for one last treat before they begin their new schools.  It was great to get a catch up with them all.  They also received their Record of Achievement and awards from our virtual Prize Day.  Thank you also to Yvonne, from the Chip Basket, for helping us to provide a tasty lunch which was thoroughly enjoyed by staff and pupils.

From everyone at Tobermore Primary School, we wish you the best and remember smiles and hard work will be your key to success.