Access Keys:

Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu
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Crossing Patrol - Reminders

20th May 2022

Dear Parents, to continue to ensure the safety of our children and staff at the end of the school day, please read the following information: - 

Even where a School Crossing Patrol is provided, parents remain responsible for making sure their children get to and from school safely.

When children arrive at the Crossing Point, please follow the information below:-  

  • The Crossing Patrol will tell the children to wait on the pavement until they are called
    to cross.
  • The Crossing Patrol will then use the Stop sign to instruct traffic to stop.
  • The Crossing Patrol may need to wait for a safe gap in the traffic.
  • It is important that the children DO NOT FOLLOW THE CROSSING PATROL INTO THE ROAD.
  • When the traffic has stopped, the Crossing Patrol will call the children to cross over. Parents are reminded that they can assist with this crossing, by walking across the road with their child/children. Please do not wave your child across the road.
  • Please walk in front of the Crossing Patrol so Mr Bradley can see you.
  • The Crossing Patrol will remain in the centre of the road until all the children and adults have completed crossing the road.

Whenever you are crossing the road, please also ensure you follow the Green Cross Code at all times.

Many thanks for your support with this,

Mr Cheevers