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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Football Tournament at Woods Primary School

12th May 2022

A huge well done to all the pupils in our football team who took part in a tournament at Woods Primary School today and finished runners up to Derrychrin Primary School.

The children played amazingly well in all of their matches scoring great goals, defending well and showing great sportsmanship.

Group Results 

Tobermore PS - 2 vs Woods PS B - 0

Tobermore PS - 1 vs Derrychrin PS - 4

Tobermore PS - 0 vs Knockloughrim PS - 0

Tobermore PS - 1 vs Maghera PS - 0 

Play Off Game 

Tobermore PS - 1 vs Knockloughrim PS - 0 (Golden Goal) 

Semi Final

Tobermore PS - 1 vs Woods PS A - 0


Tobermore PS - 0 vs Derrychrin PS - 1

Thank you to all the referees, Mr Lennox for organising the event and Woods Primary School for hosting the tournament.

A special thank you to the parents who transported the children to the tournament and were a great support.