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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Friday Assembly

6th Oct 2023

Mrs Hawthorne took assembly today. We were thinking about the meaning of Harvest and what this time of year means to us. We rearranged our ‘Harvest’ letters to make new words to remind us how we can help and provide to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. We then looked at the Bible and read of a poor man called Lazarus and a rich man. We also read a lovely story called ‘Thank you God for a drink of Milk’. This story reminded us of all the people involved in having the milk ready for us to drink but most importantly to God who provided everything.

Some of the pupils in Mrs Hawthorne’s class had written harvest prayers and they read these after our song ‘Thank you Lord for this Fine Day’.

To end our assembly we awarded some pupils for their success in Accelerated Reading this term. We had Bronze, Silver and Gold awards presented along with our new Millionaire of Tobermore Primary School which went to Darcie in Year 6.

Well done boys and girls and we look forward to awarding lots more prizes next term.

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