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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu
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Fundraising Ideas

30th Sep 2020

As more and more people begin to shop online, especially with the current restrictions it is important to utilise this as a form of fundraising. Many people will also be starting to do their ‘Christmas Shopping’.  

Tobermore Primary School is registered with Easyfundraising.

Please see the instructions below on how your online shopping can benefit both Tobermore Primary School.  

We would encourage you to share this information with as many people as possible and then when shopping select Tobermore Primary School as the ‘cause’ to support.  

School budgets have never been tighter than they currently are and the current Covid situation has not improved this situation.   Easy fundraising is a great way of helping raise money for school funds and the work of the ‘Parent Teacher Association’.   If every parent registered and remembered to use this (i.e. visit online retailers via the easyfundraising site), it could raise hundreds of pounds for us without any cost to parents. 

Here is the link for website   

  Please see further information below from easyfundraising.  

How does easyfundraising work?  

They work with over 2000 retailers who have all agreed to pass a donation to Tobermore Primary School when you shop with them. The donation is usually a percentage of how much you spend with them but it can also be a set amount, such as £30 for a new car insurance policy from Aviva. Our retailers include Amazon, M&S, Boden, John Lewis, Argos and 2000 other well known names.

What do you need to do to raise money?:  

Firstly register with us and tell us who you want to support (if Tobermore Primary School isn’t listed yet, you can either register them yourself or ask someone within Tobermore Primary School to do it).

It’s free for shoppers to register and use.   To raise money, instead of going directly to the retailer website, log into easyfundraising first and click on the retailer you want to shop with. You’ll then be taken to the retailer’s website where you shop as you would normally.

But because you visited easyfundraising first, Tobermore Primary School gets a donation. It really is that simple.

What’s the catch?  

No catch. Whatever you buy costs exactly the same as it would if you visited the retailer site directly. We don’t take any financial information from you as all your transactions are with the retailer. We won’t sell your information on and we won’t spam you. Most importantly it doesn’t cost you or your Tobermore Primary School anything.