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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
School Dinners This week is a Week 3 dinner menu.
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Home Learning Update - 5th January 2021

5th Jan 2021

Home Learning will commence from Wednesday 6th January until Friday 8th January. We await further information from the Department of Education regarding other arrangements about extending this

Staff have been working hard completing work which they have uploaded on SeeSaw and the school website for children in Year 1 - Year 4 and Microsoft Teams and the school website for Year 5 - Year 7.

Mr Cheevers will send out a message to remind everyone of the Home Learning page password.

Year 1 and 2 Pupils 

Classwork and homework activities have been uploaded through our the home learning section of our school website.  Please click on the folder relevant to your child eg P1, P2 Red Group or P2 Blue Group (look carefully to see if your child is either red or blue group).  You will then see some activities for your child to complete this week.  There is an explanation of where the activities are; some are on Seesaw and some are ready for you to download and complete.  When you complete work that has to be downloaded you can photograph it and upload it onto seesaw for me to see.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any issues or queries.  My email is or alternatively message me through Seesaw. 

Year 3 and 4 Pupils 

All work for children in Primary 3 & 4 will be uploaded through the Home learning Section of the school website.   From there you can either print the sheets out or from the screen write your answers on a sheet of paper.  This can then be photographed and sent to your journal on Seesaw.  Some extra activities will be sent to your Seesaw account during the week. If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate send me a message on Seesaw or email at

Year 5 - 7 Pupils 

Children will access their work through the Home Learning Section of the school website.

You can either print these tasks out and complete on the sheet or complete work on a separate page.

All work must be uploaded to Microsoft Teams as a first choice.

If you are having trouble using Microsoft Teams, work can be uploaded to the Home Learning Page or emailed to Mr Cheevers on on the day it is allocated. This work can be typed up or a photograph of your work can be taken

When uploading to Microsoft Teams, please ensure you choose the correct folder on Microsoft Teams to upload your work. For example the folder will be dated and have the subject. 

If you are unable to access any of this work and require a Home Learning Pack to be made up, please notify myself asap so these can be made up.


Please note: - 

  • Communication between teachers and pupils will take place via SeeSaw for Year 1 to Year 4 and Microsoft Teams for Year 5 to Year 7 . It is important that this is accessed each day, in order to keep up to date with learning requirements and further supplementary materials. If you have any issues accessing Microsoft Teams or SeeSaw, please get in contact with the school.
  • Parents should not use Microsoft Teams or SeeSaw to communicate with staff. It is solely for pupil/teacher communication. If you wish to contact your child’s teacher, you should do so via email.

It is vital that all work is completed by your child(ren) and uploaded to their teacher in order for staff to gauge understanding and progress of work provided. This can be done using the online platforms or via email. If for any reason you are unable to complete your work, please contact your child’s teacher to let them know .

Once again, I want to thank you for your continued support and understanding as we navigate through these difficult circumstances together. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Ian Cheevers
