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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Home Learning Packs Update - Wednesday 13th January 2021

13th Jan 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian, first of all thank you to everyone who has been working hard supporting their children during the last week. Please remember that staff are here to support you and can be contacted via email or the online platform (Microsoft Teams or SeeSaw).

As we once again find ourselves in very uncertain times with Home Learning occurring for all pupils. As a staff we realise the difficulties faced by parents to download work, complete this work with their child/children and then upload to various online platforms, whilst relying on and perhaps sharing technology at home.

To make this process easier for parents we will be providing Home Learning Packs for all children in Tobermore Primary School. Parents can collect these packs in our school hall on Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.  Please enter through the front door, sanitise hands, wear a mask whilst maintaining social distancing.  Only one member per family.  The packs will be set out on tables in their year groups (as before).  Collect all packs needed for your family and exit through the fire door at the back of the hall.

If you are unable to collect your pack from school, please contact the school to arrange an alternative time to collect your child's/children's pack/s.

Home Learning Pack Information 

  • This pack will be for 2 weeks, from Monday 18th January to Friday 29th January.
  • This pack will contain reading books for the two week period for each pupil. These reading books will be returned when the next 2 weekly packs will be collected on Monday 1st February 2021 and new books issued.
  • There will also be detailed information on what must be completed on a daily basis. Staff have have worked extremely hard to provide detailed plans which are progressive, differentiated and meet the needs of all pupils. It is therefore important that these are followed accordingly.
  • All tasks provided must be completed on paper and uploaded to SeeSaw on the day they are finished, where possible.
  • Please check the Home Learning page for videos to support your child's/children's learning. 
  • This pack will contain the following tasks 
    • Numeracy  
    • Literacy
    • WAU 
    • Other areas of the curriculum e.g. Art, PDMU or RE

From this point forward, children who do not interact with the online platforms, e.g. do not upload work, will be marked as absent unless a suitable reason can be provided for work not being uploaded.

Staff will continue to monitor and assess work on a daily basis, providing feedback and encouragement to each pupil. Our staff are extremely dedicated to supporting your child/children, so please contact us if your require any help.

If you need any further information regarding Home Learning or your child/children please contact Mr Cheevers on the school phone number or 

Thank you for your continued support and please stay safe,

Tobermore Primary School Staff