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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu | Crossing Patrol Please note Mr Bradley will not be available to cross the children over the road on Wednesday 5th February in the afternoon only.
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Internet Safety Day in Year 6 and Year 7

6th Feb 2024

Year 6 and Year 7 were focusing on Internet Safety Day this afternoon. There were some excellent discussions about how to stay safe online and the correct ways to use the internet. 

The children were then given the task of looking at what an 'influencer' is and how this can have a positive and negative impact on people. 

From this very interesting discussion the children had to create their on influencer and write about what they influenced and how they could provide positive impact towards their viewers.

A fantastic lesson and I think we have some future 'influencers' in the making.

Well done Year 6 and Year 7.