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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
Walking Bus Remember our Walking Bus next week.Each morning you can meet at one of the collection points between 8:40-8:50am.Breakfast Club will run as normal. | School Dinners This week is a week 2 dinner menu | Crossing Patrol Please note Mr Bradley will not be available to cross the children over the road on Wednesday 5th February in the afternoon only.
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P2 Enjoy Learning to Count Outdoors

4th Sep 2024

P2 are learning to count forwards and backwards in 1’s and 2’s. They enjoyed getting outside with the number mats. They worked together to order the numbers from 1 to 20. Back in the classroom they practiced their adding 1 more by taking turns to roll the die then build a tower of cubes making sure to add 1 more. They then measured their towers to see which one was the longest. After that they had to find something longer and shorter than their tower. Well done boys and girls, fantastic work!