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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt

Pancake Day P6/7

28th Feb 2017
Pancake Day P6/7

P6/7  had a fun Pancake day! We got to make lovely pancakes and put amazing toppings on them!

We sorted out our equipment and  ingredients. We needed self-raising flour, eggs, milk, sugar, butter and syrup. To make our pancakes we used a whisk, a bowl, a sieve, a frying pan, scales, a measuring jug, a mixing spoon and a hot plate.

Each table took turns to make their own pancake batter and pancakes. Everyone had a go at doing something. Some people used the scales to measure the flour and the sugar. To day people in the class got to crack an egg for the first time. Others used the jug to measure the milk.

Mr Dillon poured the mixture into the hot frying pan to cook our pancakes. We knew to flip the pancake when we saw bubbles. Some people had a go at flipping pancakes.

Everyone got at least two pancakes and were allowed to choose lots of different toppings.

Once we had our pancakes we had to work in our booklets writing about how we made our pancakes and the different methods we used.

We also had lots of Maths problem solving using money and different toppings

Our day ended with Tobermore Mary Berry coming and judging which table made the best pancake.

After much thought and nibbling of pancakes our Mary Berry selected a boys table as the winners!

Well done to all for a great day of real life maths.