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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
School Dinners This is week one dinner menu
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Peace Proms

8th Nov 2022

Today some pupils of our school travelled to the SSE Arena in Belfast with Mr Hunter, Mrs Hawthorne & Ms Henderson to participate in a rehearsal workshop for the 2023 Peace Proms. Everyone had a fantastic day and the children were a delight to take away and represent our school. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the singing and dancing led by the amazingly talented Gregg Beardsell. Mrs Hawthorne gave everyone a little treat for their excellent behaviour and participation today. Well done boys and girls, we are very proud of you. 👏⭐️
We can assure you, the concert on 26th February 2023 is going to be amazing and if you haven’t already got your tickets you should follow the link below to avoid disappointment. We will be performing at the 1pm concert.