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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Road Safety at Tobermore Primary School Reminder

1st Dec 2023

Dear Parent/Guardian, As a Board of Governors, we are writing this letter to ask for your support to keep our school community safe during the morning drop off and afternoon collections.

Over the past two years members of the Board of Governors, have had various meetings with EA, PSNI, Department of Infrastructure and local MLA’s in an attempt to achieve a solution on how to keep our school community safe. Unfortunately, these meetings have provided no further insight on how to achieve this and we are still awaiting information on what is next with regards the 20mph.

With the increased concern from parents about traffic speed, having no Crossing Patrol in operation and the safety of members of our school community, it is vital that we can continue follow the instructions below to ensure that everyone arrives and leaves safely to school.

  • Please do not park over or block the main entrance gate at the school with any vehicle.
  • Please try to park at various points in Tobermore village and walk to school as part of our Active Travel initiative, thus relieving congestion around the school gates.
  • Please collect your child from inside the school gates to ensure a safe handover of your child. This means that parents should not stand outside the wall and signal to their children to come out of the school gates unaccompanied.
  • Parents are permitted to enter the school via the main gate but must leave via the pedestrian gate. This will help create a one-way system and reduce any congestion at the school gates.
  • Please cross over the main road between the gate posts at the school to ensure a designated area is used and multiple crossings can be completed at the one area.
  • Please dismount from any bikes or scooters and walk these when entering or leaving the school grounds.
  • During the morning drop off, please ensure that all children walk through the pedestrian gate and not through the vehicle entrance of the school. Also, can we ask that adults do not block or stand at the entrance of the school to allow staff cars to safely enter the school grounds.

The safety of our school community is a joint effort and responsibility. If the necessary care and above actions are taken, we can move a step forward to keeping everyone safe coming to and leaving Tobermore Primary School.

We thank you in anticipation for your support with this.

Many thanks,

Board of Governors of Tobermore Primary School