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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Wellbeing Task - **Friday 5th February Task**

5th Feb 2021

**Friday 5th February** 

I hope you enjoyed the videos, songs and challenges this week. 

Do you ever find it hard to share how you really feel or put your thoughts into words when you are upset, worried, cross or anxious about something? 

Lots of us feel that way even though it might not seem like we do. We wish we could say what is upsetting or worrying us most of the time but we say we are fine and nothing is wrong. Some of us are the opposite and words fly out of your mouth so fast that you hurt those around you as you express exactly how you feel. 

Today, when you get frustrated or anxious, try to stop and take a breath. You might need to go for a walk, sit down with a book, play some music or a funny video or simply reach out for a hug. 

Find a way to express how you feel. Perhaps in a doodle on a page, a message to your friend or through the words of a song. Don’t let what frustrates you fester as you will only feel worse. 

Listen to the lyrics of the song. Whatever is worrying you today, please don’t let it keep you down. Let it out. Say it right now by sharing your worries with those you are close to. VaA7XWJj1--XQ6wbgN52kwbPZHm4cQOSFx0MtDCg3hHM Set it all free  Don’t Worry Be Happy 


Again, your challenge is to take a 20-minute timeout from your work. Get others in your family involved too. Listen to the video and song and then complete the poster. 

Make a poster of all the things in your life that makes you happy and help you to smile. Use lots of bright colours. 

Once you have done this  send us a picture of your poster.