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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
School Dinners This week is a Week 3 dinner menu.
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Wellbeing Task - **Monday  1st February Task**

1st Feb 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. 


Boys and girls and adults too can pause and remember that each one of us is unique and that we all have something to celebrate about ourselves. 


This week I want you to be as positive as you can be and to think of things that make you happy. 


Every day this week I am setting you a challenge to take a 10-minute timeout from your work. Get others in your family involved too. 


We have all had to face tough times and make some difficult choices and I am sure you have had times where you have been sad and are missing some things you would normally do. No matter how hard things get we all have to realise that we can get through this if we work together and that we are still standing. 


Keep positive, try to keep smiling and remember you are amazing. 


Enjoy the song. 






Today is the start of the week and your mission. 


What is your favourite song that you like to listen to and why do you like it? 


Look the song up and play it to yourself. Once you have done this  send us a picture, a message or a 30 second video telling us your favourite song and how it makes you feel.