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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt
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Wellbeing Task - **Wednesday 3rd February Task**

3rd Feb 2021

**Wednesday 3rd February**

I hope you enjoyed the Tuesday challenge. 

Well done, you have made it to Wednesday. Some people call it hump day as it is the middle or the ‘hump’ of the working hill that we have to climb each week. We are all hoping that we are now at the hump or the peak of this situation and that we can begin to look beyond where we are now to a return to normal school routine. Until then, we keep climbing side by side. 

Whether you are in school because your parents are key workers or working in a corner of a room at home, perhaps you are bored with the daily grind of lockdown learning. 

So today, at some point, please stop your schoolwork and make time for some music in your day. Ask Alexa to play songs to dance to. Turn on the radio or switch on a music channel. Today shake off the schoolwork blues, let the beat lift your mood and smile.  Waka Waka Just Dance Can’t Stop The Feeling  Smallfoot Do the Yeti 




Again, your challenge is to take a 10-minute timeout from your work. Get others in your family involved too. Get on your feet and jump around and be happy then complete the task. 

Tell me a funny story which makes you laugh and smile when you think about it. 

Once you have done this  send us a picture, a message or a 30 second video telling us telling us of your funny story.