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Tobermore Primary School, Magherafelt

Sports Day Arrangements - W/C 6th June

30th May 2022

Dear Parent/Guardian,

                               As I am sure you are aware, we will be having our Sports Day on Wednesday 8th June, weather permitting. The venue for this event is the football pitch in the park area of Tobermore.

The arrangements are:

Monday 6th June – 9:30 am to 12:00 pm à Sports Day Practice (Weather permitting)

Tuesday 7th June – 9:30 am to 12:00 pm à Sports Day Practice (Weather permitting)

Wednesday 8th June – 10:00 am to 12:00 pm à Sports day (Weather permitting)

Our pupils will be walking to and from the venue on the days mentioned, accompanied by both teaching and non-teaching staff. We will return to school for dinners each day.

After Sports Day is finished on Wednesday 8th June, pupils are allowed to go home. A letter has been sent home today, 30th May,  to complete and return to your child’s teacher by Monday 6th June. This will allow us to inform the kitchen to prepare for school dinners on this day. It also allows class teachers to know what pupils are going home and what pupils are staying in school.

The Student Council will also be planning to hold a Tuck Shop around the end of Sports Day. These will be the normal arrangements for Tuck Shop on Friday, but please do not send money in with your child as they may lose it during Sports Day. Parents or guardian can accompany their child/children to the Tuck Shop at the end of Sports Day.

Many thanks for your support with this event,

Mr Cheevers